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Summer Reading List for Dental Students: A Mix of Books You’ll Actually Enjoy, Personally and Professionally

Written by Mia Phillips, Content Marketing Manager | May 31, 2024 12:00:00 PM

Summer is the perfect time for dental students to relax and dive into some fantastic reads, whether for fun or self-improvement. A well-chosen reading list can offer both a chill break and valuable insights for your academic and professional journey. Below, we’ve compiled a diverse selection of books that will cater to your need for both leisure and development as you soak up the summer sun. ☀️


A Brush with Love
by Mazey Eddings

This adorable romantic comedy is perfect for beach or pool reading. Following the life of a dental student, it combines humor, romance, and highly relatable struggles. It's a light-hearted book that gives a glimpse into dentistry while delivering a heartwarming story. 🦷💕




Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine
by Gail Honeyman

An engaging novel exploring themes of loneliness and social awkwardness with a touch of humor. You’ll easily fall in love with Eleanor from the very start—it's perfect for those looking to delve into personal growth and self-awareness while enjoying a captivating story. 




The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter—and How to Make the Most of Them Now
by Meg Jay

As a dental student in or near your twenties, this book offers crucial advice on how to make the most of this formative decade. Psychologist Meg Jay provides practical insights on career development, personal relationships, and mental health, making it an essential read for anyone at the crossroads of their early professional journey.



Float Plan
by Trish Doller

For a change of scenery, Float Plan is just the book for you. A stunning novel about adventure, self-discovery, and finding unexpected love. Following the protagonist’s solo sailing journey, this book offers escapism and inspiration, making it perfect for those seeking both relaxation and motivation during the summer months. ⛵



Designing Your Life
by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans

A personal recommendation from one of Cloud Dentistry’s own, Designing Your Life provides actionable strategies to create a fulfilling and balanced life. Written by Stanford professors, this book is particularly useful for dental students looking to apply design thinking principles to their future careers and personal lives. Even if you don’t follow the workbook format, you can still get so much out of this book! 



A is for Alibi
by Sue Grafton

If you’re in the mood for a classic mystery, A is for Alibi is a great choice. Sue Grafton’s engaging storytelling and well-crafted plot make this book an exciting page-turner. Following the life of a female private investigator in the 1980s, it’s perfect for those looking to unwind with a good mystery while honing in on those critical thinking skills.



The Silent Patient
by Alex Michaelides

For fans of psychological thrillers, The Silent Patient offers a gripping and unpredictable story. This bestseller is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat, providing a thrilling escape from the rigors of dental school and life. Let's be real—you'll be too engrossed in this book to worry about anything else. 🙃



Professional Development Reads

Aside from leisure, summer is also a fantastic time to enhance your professional skills. Books like Crucial Conversations by Patterson, Grenny, McMillan, and Switzler, and Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck, provide invaluable insights into effective communication and growth mindset, essential for any dental professional.

Enjoy a Productive Summer with These Recommended Reads

Balancing relaxation and personal growth through reading can make your summer both enjoyable and productive. These recommended books offer a great mix of chill time, inspiration, and professional development, helping you return to your studies refreshed and motivated.

For more student-focused resources and updates, be sure to check out CloudU on Instagram. Happy reading!